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Monday, 2 January 2017

2017, May She Bring Us Joy!

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2017! 

At this time of year we intend to become better people. I always set myself a thousand tasks, and there simply isn't enough hours in the day! 

This year I have just three resolutions!

1. Destash! Use, Sell, Gift, or Donate all of the fabric in my stash! 

I'm becoming a known hoarder. It's definitely inherited, but I want to stop my bad habits before we move this upcoming August. I'm going to go through my stash (and my clothes, books, everything...) and decide whether to keep and use it, sell online or gift it to a friend, or take it to a charity shop/recycle it. It's a long task, but it will definitely be worth it! Ideally, I want to use everything up before I buy new fabric, but I'm expecting to buy new fabrics for projects for my birthday trip to Salzburg and the three weddings I have upcoming before we move house. Oops!

2. Prepare everything the night before.

I have a tendency to run late in the morning because I couldn't be bothered to make lunch in advance, or have lost the tights I wanted to wear to perfect that outfit. Although I always leave with enough time to get to work, I hate that stressed feeling when I look at my watch (or phone, until I've got my new watch resized!) and I've got five minutes to finish getting dressed, pack my bag, and brush my teeth! 

So, as much as possible, I intend to have lunches prepared and my outfit all hung up together the night before.

3. Set a seasonal wishlist of fun and exciting things to do.

I have a habit of forgetting to do all the fun things I see are going on in the city. So at the beginning of each season I want to make a 30 point list of all the things I want to do and pencil them into my diary! Whether it's baking an apple pie, going to an exhibition or gig, or listening to the birdsong from my teeny tiny garden. I want to remember to do it!

So there we are!

Stay tuned to see if any of these things actually get done, or if I sit on my arse watching Netflix for another year! 

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